Foundation of Tuzla community & USAID
Design+ Developing creative potential through youth education
Graphic design is a branch of the IT industry that is in high demand today. It is the process of creating visual content using photos and illustrations. There are a large number of young people who are interested in this branch, but they do not have enough means and opportunities to expand their knowledge. It is precisely for this reason that the opportunity arises for the project "Design+: Developing creative potential through youth education". through which young people would gain new knowledge and experiences.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTFoundation of Tuzla community
Girls in ICT day 2024
The Day of the Girl in the ICT sector emerged from a global initiative launched by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations' specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICT). The idea behind this day stems from the desire to solve the problem of insufficient representation of women in the ICT sector and to promote gender equality in technological careers.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTFoundation of Tuzla community
Introduction to 3D Modeling and 3D Printing - From Idea to Implementation
The project "Introduction to 3D Modeling and 3D Printing - From Idea to Implementation" was created as a response to the need to educate young people and develop their skills in the field of 3D modeling and printing. Interactive practical workshops are designed so that participants will learn the use of software tools for creating 3D models, and at the same time they will have the opportunity to see the functionality of a 3D printer.
The project "CyberSafe: Development of skills and knowledge for safe cyber security" is intended for young people aged 18 to 30, with the aim of acquiring basic knowledge and skills in the field of cyber security. Educator on the project is Emir Peštelić, senior analyst of the security operations center at the HTEC Group company. Through a series of interactive workshops, participants will learn the basics of cyber security, how to recognize and react to security threats, as well as methods of protection and forensic investigation of incidents.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTFoundation of Tuzla community & USAID
Osnaživanje STEM studentica
The project “Osnaživanje STEM studentica: inicijativa za zaštitu mentalnog zdravlja” is intended for all female STEM faculty students, with the aim of increasing knowledge and awareness of mental health. Challenges Facing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Students areas can be particularly demanding and stressful. The educator on the project is Teufika Ibrahimefendić, a certified Gestalt therapist.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTFoundation of Tuzla community
Mama i ja programiramo
The idea is that children and their moms are exposed to coding and have the opportunity to create together, and therefore can learn together. Educational units for this purpose are based on the block method of programming, which is very easy to master and allows users to build expertise and work on more complex programs with time and experience.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTSAP & Haus des Stiftens GmbH
Meet and Code
Meet and Code 2022 is an event that takes place in September and October 2022, with a focus on EU Code Week from October 5 to 20. 35 countries participate in the project. Meet and Code was founded in 2017 with the aim of presenting new technologies to young generations and developing their programming knowledge and skills.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTMinistry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Tuzla Canton
Priprema mladih žena i djevojaka za tržište rada
The project aims to train female students and young unemployed women to go out on labor market. Through various workshops 20 participant will have the opportunity to analyze their abilities and skills, prepare or update a biography and learn how to adapt it to different jobs and how to present herself in the digital business world, i.e. on the LinkedIn social network, which usually represents the starting point from which recruiters start.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTCity of Tuzla & Institute for development of young people KULT
Projekt menadžment U IT-u
During the project “Projekt menadžment u IT-u” is planned to hold educational workshops for male and female students with the aim of initial familiarization with the basic concepts of project managament.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTEU & BY LEAP & Foundation of Tuzla community
Youth Social Change Makers as Entrepreneurs
Contribute to the creation of the stimulating environment for support to the new generation of innovative and educated young social entrepreneurs who actively participate in social and economic life in Tuzla Canton.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTBingo City Center & Bit Center & Madi
Girls in ICT day 2022
This year's manifestation will be held in Bingo City Center in Tuzla and it's intended for girls aged 7 to 13, who will have the opportunity to meet the Charlie robot and the rest of his Lego robot team, talk, learn and have fun in the world that is much more than a few cables and screens.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTMinistry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Tuzla Canton
Kreativke u IT-u
Project intended for young women - female students aged between 18-26 years, who will get to know principles of UI/UX design. We want to aweken their imagination and creativity and bring the IT sector and design closer to them, in order to they can discover how the graphic design and editing of Web pages and mobile applications works, and to interest them to further explore and learn in endless treasure of information and new technologies of the IT sector.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTFoundation of Tuzla community
Jaka JA
Project "Jaka JA" is intended for young girls - students of engineering and technical faculties, with the goal of their mental health development, considering that the mental health of students is becoming an increasing concern in today's society. Mental ilnesses have serious consequences on academic success, productivity and social relationships, and by implementing this project, GirlTHing addresses this problem in our community.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTCity Tuzla & Bit Center
JA tehno gospođica
Project “JA tehno gospođica” is intended for young girls aged 18 to 30 with the goal of development and improvement of their digital literacy. This includes the abilities of using information and communication technologies for finding, evaluating, creating and communicating information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTFederal Ministry of Culture and Sports & Bit Center & American corner Tuzla & Laboratorium & AKM & Saranda & Kabil
Programerka, a ne štreberka!
Project “Programerka, a ne štreberka!” as a goal has organising and implementation of the summer school of programming and robotics for girls aged between 8 and 18 years.
MORE ABOUT PROJECTFoundation of Tuzla community
The main goal of the project is creating quality online content, on mother tongue, for learning the basis of programming languages that are nowadays wanted in the ICT sector and development certain skills of our members, so the mentioned content could be created.